Saturday, October 10, 2009

Single moms day out!

I now call myself a single mom since I am for four months. The base paid for those of us whose hubbies are deployed to go out to an Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch for the day. Great! Wonderful! Though I am exhausted!
Of course you could expect that a bunch of moms with their kids, trying to chase them around a farm while picking pumpkins, would be a bit crazy. I was lucky though, and had some friends tag along with her husband and he was extremely helpful! Thank you Joel and Cat!
So far, so good being a single parent though I could definitely not do it long term. Not sure how people do it. I know that Justin will be home soon and so I plug along. I would be on some sort of medication if I had to do it everyday, forever! So more power to those out there who have lost their spouses. I say that I couldn't do it. But I guess that you just have to when push comes to shove!
I cut off the stem because it was so prickly and Mitchell found it and tried to put it back on. He didn't seem to care that it was prickly!

Mitchell had a great time playing in the pumpkin patch. I told him that he'll have to ask daddy to grow some next year in the back yard!

Pumpkin Patch and Hayride!

Friday, September 25, 2009

This was done pre-deployment, but just wanted to share. I have always wanted to paint and so I thought that I would give it a try. Originally, Justin was going to fill the empty canvas but since he didn't really get around to it, I started playing and this is what I came up with. Hope you like it!

Our bobcat! He hangs out in our neighborhood since there are plenty of rabbits and other critters to eat. This was the first time that I had seen him and he is beautiful!