Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Justin is off to the first of many trainings that he will be attending this year. He's only gone 2 nights this time, so really not bad. There are a few that Mitch and I will go to since they'll be in cool places, but we decided to stay home for this one. So yesterday Mitchell started pulling himself up into a standing position when he is holding onto my fingers in each hand. I get him started from laying on his back and then he pulls himself up into a sitting position and then on up to standing. He loves to stand and look around. He's such a big boy! At least he seems to think so.

I talked with a friend of mine this morning who has an 8 week old little boy. It's so much fun to have so many of my friends having babies also. I really pray that all of us will stay close so that our children will learn to know one another.

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