Friday, October 10, 2008

Finally here!

So we have finally all arrived together again here in Tucson, AZ. It has been a long summer and I am looking forward to finally moving into our base house on Monday! I just picked up the keys this morning and will post pictures later. It is small, but it will do. Justin will have less than a mile commute to either the clinic or the squadron, maybe even less than 1/2 mile. We have been staying in the TLF's(temporary living facility) for about 4 weeks now with a brief stay in a different hotel off base due to lack of availablity on base. And now, finally we have wireless internet back up and running once again. That was a huge frustration for me as I was trying to find a house to rent off of the base. I am not a Calvinist but I guess that was God's way of saying that I just needed to accept the housing arrangements that he had for us. I guess that I just am really struggling with the idea of being a military wife and mom. I realized last week when we went to a party for the helicopter squadron, that I don't really fit into any one specific place like most of the wives. Justin works with 3 different squadrons and so I will have to try extra hard to meet people from all three groups. Not what I really expected. Oh well, just one more new trial to work through in this adventure.
The next time that I blog, I will warn you, will most likely be a major whining fest. The movers come on Monday and I have been warned that most of my things will be broken!

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