Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sleeping through the night!

At least one of us is sleeping through the night! I finally decided that he could let off some energy and cry for a bit when he wakes up at 3am. After 5-10 minutes of this, I will give him his pacifier and he will calm down and then continue sleeping for a couple more hours. Every night is different of course, but at least I am getting better at this mothering thing!
We are doing the same thing with his naps. He has been crying after only 45 min of sleep during his day time naps. I read somewhere that this could last a couple weeks. Well, it's been at least a couple of weeks, so I am doing the same thing. I stand there, helping him with this pacifier and wait until he stops crying. It seems to work every once in a while if I catch him at the right time. I tried to let him cry this morning while I was finishing getting my weekly shower in, and it only got worse. I gave in after 15 min. of crying and fed him. It's kinda nice to feel as though I am getting a handle on this sleeping thing, though after we travel this weekend down to Arizona, I have a feeling that we are going to have to start all over again. Every time that we travel, his schedule gets all messed up because he hates his car seat and will cry and cry until I take him out. Justin would have a fit if he knew how much I pull him out of his seat, but we'll deal with that when we are all in the same state!

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